by Debbie Harris | Aug 17, 2015 | Exercise of the week, Video
Further challenge your stability and strength with this powerful series. Remember to breathe! 3-5 reps of each. Add circles, bicycle, hand behind head to up-level. These are a further prep for the single arm side bends.
by Debbie Harris | Aug 17, 2015 | Exercise of the week, Video
This elusive exercise will teach your body spinal articulation through control, precision, breath! Fine-tune your true abdominal strength, hip power, mobility, and flexibility in your whole body. Reps: 5
by Debbie Harris | Sep 11, 2014 | Exercise of the week, Video
The “Swimming” exercise pumps fresh oxygen through your bloodstream, lengthens your spine, opens your hips, improves abdominal support for back strengthening, and is much like The Hundred in terms of pace and flow. Modify simply by not moving the arms....
by Debbie Harris | Jun 18, 2014 | Exercise of the week, Video
Jackknife requires “all you’ve got” core strength in combination with hip extension to make this exercise look graceful. 3-5 reps
by Debbie Harris | Jun 18, 2014 | Exercise of the week, Video
Corkscrew is in the Mat series to both stabilize and open hips, challenge your oblique muscles, and aid detoxification through the twisting action and complete exhale. Practice daily 3-5 rotations in each direction. Add the hip lift only if you can maintain strong...
by Debbie Harris | Jun 7, 2014 | Exercise of the week, Video
The Spine Twist makes space in the spine from bottom to top! Repeat three times, making sure pelvis is rooted and abdominals are as *lifted* as possible. Watch out for twisting from “the shoulders” or the “hips,” most rotation in our spine is...