Would you agree? Your Pilates practice is FUN? Let’s break it down – after your first class or lesson you may have sensed something new, intriguing, different about your body. Perhaps about your mood or even your energy as you woke up the next morning. What is THAT!?
That, my friends, is the reason we share Pilates – it is a gift. It’s literally your life force – core, breath, powerhouse, stability, stretch, strength, control, precision, goal, motivation, centering, balance, you name it! That “it” Joe Pilates knew would help heal the whole world.
We need this now more than ever! From the very moment TriPilates was born, the mission has been to help our student FEEL THE DIFFERENCE Pilates can make in your life. In fact, it has changed many lives, connected us to healing movements, supported us through extremely difficult times (GOODBYE 2020!), and embraced us with friendships for LIFE! With each and every session with us, we want you to not only FEEL THE DIFFERENCE Pilates can make in your life – but our unique brand: TriPilates – for balanced body, mind, and spirit!
What does the “U” stand for in our fun 2021 acronym? UNCOVER YOUR INNER GLOW! Soooo many reasons why we LOVE THIS SO MUCH! First of all – it brings me back to when we first opened and the personal trainers in the back were asking about where we would keep the “towels” (you see – that exercise modality almost demands you sweat in order to benefit). Now I’m not anti-sweating and many do – but Pilates exercise is an “inside out” workout – the smaller muscles on the inside get the “internal shower,” as Joe Pilates called it. Drum roll – double meaning here – even Joe Pilates said, “Scrub the skin so the pores can breathe!” and he would make people dry brush or scrub in the shower before leaving! Frankly, if it hadn’t been for my virtual skincare business this year, TriPilates would be CLOSED. So instead of rolling your eyes, open up your ears and give it a try! You will be amazed at how you move in your skin. Your skin, after all, is the biggest ORGAN in your body!
What’s “N,” you ask? NEVER GIVE UP. We made it to say goodbye to 2020, with all of it’s valuable lessons and enormous losses for so many, yet our community stayed strong. My heart and mind is open to virtual learning and teaching! Thank you to all who participated this year, if even keeping your own practice was it – this is the ultimate goal. That you have “IT” in your life and as Joe Pilates wrote at the end of Return to Life,
“so in your very commendable pursuit of all that is implied in the trinity of godlike attributes that only Contrology can offer you, we bid you not goodbye but “au revoir” firmly linked with the sincere wish that your efforts will result in well-merited success chained to everlasting happiness for you and yours.” – p.35
While we are still only open for Privates and Duets, we hope to keep moving forward into 2021 with a resilient, healthy, and HAPPY body, mind, and spirit. If my family and I can walk through the past 10 years with grace and determination to survive, so can TriPilates. And yes, you can wear a mask and still do Pilates. My vision has ALWAYS been to bring TriPilates home again, i never imagined it would be into YOUR homes, and now eventually mine.
Hope to see you soon – and 2021? Let’s have some F.U.N.!