847.698.6338 debbie@tripilates.com

Spring, ever reminding us that we can dig deep down and begin again. Time to grow more, be more, do more, it comes from within! 37 years ago, a still small voice inside me surrendered to love. I call upon it daily, it has saved me!

Did you ever have an imaginary friend? When I think about different phases of my life – childhood, teen years, young adult, and onward, the presence of unconditional love has always been at my side! Learning to trust, have faith, listen, and be guided by that – let’s call it our true selves – has been an extraordinary experience! From about the age of 14 – 28, my confidence, self-love, and well-being was crushed to a struggle to survive, I was defeated, alone, and dying on the inside.

I remember the moment of prayer and surrender like it was yesterday, the grace and mercy of something far greater than even an imaginary best friend. It was 37 years ago.

I have had many transformations since then:

⭐  Learned to grow up, become a responsible adult, use my job experiences in marketing, sports, management, leadership, and serve a community of like-minded new friends.

⭐  Became a true friend to my partner, best friend, lover, and father of our four children – became a mother, the heart of the family and homemaker.

⭐  Inspired by breast-feeding, natural childbirth, and meditative practices in yoga, decided to pursue entrepreneurship with the support of my family, but most especially universal karma. It is my belief that what we give to the world comes back to us many times over.

⭐  Enjoyed years of travel and leisure, energetic as it is with a large family – right up my alley.  Met friends from around the world through all these experiences with my work and service to others.

⭐  Built our home, making memories that will last a lifetime: birthdays, and family meals, traditions, and holidays. We then lost our home of 15 years after the crash of 2008 and since then, lost my partner of 30 years to cancer, filed bankruptcy and all four kids left the house for their young adult lives. What kept me going? Faith and doing something to serve others every single day. TriPilates celebrates 15 years and my Rodan + Fields business, 5 years!

⭐  Spring. Renewal. Destiny. Begin again. I no longer identify solely as a “widow,” I walk forward into a new life, meeting and helping new people and more! It’s that same spirit of the unknown.  We do not need to KNOW the way, we need only to keep GOING the way.

⭐   37 Years ago I surrendered.  Thank you, God, from the bottom of my heart to my many mentors, friends and yes even foes, counselors, teachers, and students for bringing me to today. Most of all, I continue to learn more from my incredibly brave children who face this new world of incomprehensible stress and challenge!

TriPilates is here to empower YOU to connect, transform, renew, rejuvenate, and heal on many levels. We continue to be a growing community and welcome all.


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