847.698.6338 debbie@tripilates.com

#movemore     #catapult      #pilatesjourney      #rfjourney      #synergy

Each year, particularly since opening TriPilates, we’ve had a “theme” or a “word” to focus on. Initially, it was “TriPilates” – Feel the Difference! We know you can do Pilates anywhere, but we really do try to help you feel the difference each and every time you come to TriPilates.

Who remembers some of the others? More from your Core, Live More, Do What You Love, Movement, Remember to Breathe….  Last year my own word was #purpose…. to rebuild my life, stay connected with my family and students. We did that!! Most of you know our theme at the studio for 2019 is MOVE MORE and our video cleverly puts together photos of our students and the words associated with that.

In thinking about how Rodan + Fields is the vehicle that will CATAPULT us (me) from working to the bone to keep our beautiful studio alive, I thought back to the new MOVE MORE movie. BINGO!


If it hadn’t been for Pilates, I NEVER would have heard about R+F so quickly. Everything happens for a reason! Thanks to one of my students, Kristin Pagenkopf, who shared her vision and experience with R+F, or I never would have known. My thoughts were, “Why not me?” and “What have I got to lose?” I was broke, had NO TIME, and knew nothing about skincare.

Even Joe Pilates said, “Scrub the skin so the pores can breathe!” Synergy! There’s NEVER been a better time to be a part of this company. The SYNERGY of teaching and helping others, movement, and building a supportive network with R+F has brought me to 2019. 

Come in for a lesson, try a new class, and see how the synergy of Pilates movement can help YOU! From Class to Class, Movement to Movement, Breath to Breath, there is a happy vibration here at TriPilates. Come feel why.  No, you do NOT need to purchase any skincare, it’s only for those curious to try!

Oh and hey – if you want a sample or more information about Rodan + Fields, just ask! 

We are here to help you with PILATES first and foremost.  Thanks for letting me share. 

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