847.698.6338 debbie@tripilates.com

Welcome to our many new students! Thank you to our TriPilates tribe for sticking around this Summer!

Yes – it’s our 10 Year anniversary! We have been GROWING in our community amidst SO MANY fitness choices in town.  What do we do best?  We connect with YOU.  Your goals, Your challenges. Your schedule.  As a private studio should!

We are mixing it up a bit starting August 1!

Wednesdays and Friday classes will switch (chair on Wednesday/Tower on Friday).  Keeping our studio and our teaching fresh, inviting, and meaningful to you AND our teachers has been an everyday goal. I am VERY proud and extremely grateful for your commitment! SO let’s shake it up a bit! Newsflash!  Pilates for teens will continue this Fall as a regularly scheduled class! They are LOVING it.

Take a look at our new Late Summer Schedule!

Touching base with this brief blog about Summer Challenge!  SO happy TriPilates-for-Health team finished the Whole Life Challenge and have inspired others to consider joining for the Fall Challenge that starts on September 16!  My own experience is that it is a terrific way to have FUN taking stock of my daily habits!  Here’s the link:


Most of you know my cues for what’s commonly termed “powerhouse” or “core” or “belly” have transitioned to “let your diamond shine”  and “no crunches here.”  It’s literally what has taken me out of back pain that I had just 5 years ago.  I am SO EXCITED about that and can share my experience and help you to become your own detective about your goals: getting out of pain, strengthening, lengthening, be able to DO WHAT YOU LOVE in 2017.  Several people have told me they want to run but cannot, or play tennis or or or, but injuries prevail. Let us help you challenge yourself to heal.  Our bodies want to heal and MOVEMENT heals, particularly Pilates movement!

The challenge right now is getting in those last few weeks of Summer when it feels like it just got started, right? Part of it is my personality, but I always set lofty goals. What are yours?  Mine is to celebrate my 60th by hiking up in the Montana mountains in early September, as well as spend a few days in northern Wisconsin. I was concerned about it earlier in the year because my knee was bothering me, but I worked with my Pilates teacher, gone to early Sunday morning Forrest Yoga classes (lots of active feet), learned from Irene Dowd about knee mechanics, and recently absolutely loved the energy of  Gyrotonic –  all movement heals.  I’m good to GO! Are you?  How can we help YOU?

So here’s my hope – that we all challenge ourselves just a little bit – whether it’s to try something new – maybe a new type of Pilates class or a private lesson, slow down a bit and enjoy your family and the end of Summer!  The Summer Challenge is not over!  On August 19 we are holding a workshop on ORDER: WHAT + WHY. Learn about the what + the why of Pilates Mat, Reformer, Low Chair and Tower exercises. Learn to develop the skill to enhance your own practice and to help others do the same. Interested in teaching? TriPilates Mentorship is looking for 3 more students who want to further their Pilates journey – it’s a natural progression. Ask me for details.

Last but not least – SAVE THE DATE!  November 11 we will have a GRATITUDE CELEBRATION for our 10 YEAR STUDIO ANNIVERSARY!


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