Welcome Spring, slowly but surely, exactly how Pilates is meant to be learned and practiced!
Most of you know, I love to go fast, and to be in “control” of that speed (ski, rollerblade, swim), but not a fan of say, rollercoasters or spinning teacups! As we see the tree buds and tulips seemingly overnight blossom into new growth, that is exactly how it is with Pilates. An exercise we’ve NOT enjoyed over the years has suddenly become a favorite or at the very least more accessible with a focused mindset.
New students coming to TriPilates are startled to discover how simple movements such as raising your head or rolling on your spine seem inaccessible for various reasons. Joe Pilates suggested to perfect “The Hundred” before moving on to the next! TriPilates would not still be open if that were the case! Learning is a process and as we grow and change, we become more efficient and motivated. When something is hard, we notice that, “Gosh that was hard!” It’s called the learning matrix, first being consciously aware that we are incapable. Then in time, we notice something like, “Wow! I can do that,” – I am consciously competent! What’s REALLY COOL about learning Pilates (or anything new for that matter) is that the more we practice, the more we become unconsciously competent!
Still with me?
We see it at the studio all the time. The journey is different for all of us, and many factors play into it. I do know one thing for sure, MINDSET MATTERS. Decide a path for new growth and change! We are here to help! TriPilates’s mission is to empower YOU to be healthier, energized, calm, and more positive. Movement practice takes us there, our 2023 theme is to find more freedom! This is the beauty of a learning matrix – freedom is the goal!
Give it time, consistency truly matters.
Many of our students have a daily practice, or at the very least an awareness of how we are moving in our daily lives. Let us help you strategize and set goals. It’s time. Spring is here!