“I never get too sore, I just know I’ve been somewhere….”
This statement was heard at class this evening and I just had to remember it. Pilates should never make you *too sore.* Silly me, though, in the middle of class, I fell down reaching for the high balls. In an effort to protect my sore toe, I tilted my foot and thus fell to the ground, duly twisting my spine and throwing my head a little. I for SURE know I’ve been somewhere, and not in a good way as aluded to above.
The good news, though, is that I know Pilates will rebalance my body. My body has changed drastically in ten years. It’s going to keep changing and life will have it’s ups and downs, hopefully not so much physically! I’m counting on Pilates balancing my energy – my mind and my spirit – along with my body.
I have so much compassion and want to help others through similar injuries. Over the years, my trainer has helped me through others. Sometimes, it’s just time to rest. Which it’s time to do now. Apologies if I scared anyone in class tonight!
I always feel so light after pilates. I always sleep best the evening of a work out. Whatever joint aches I had entering that day all disappear. I am so grateful to Debbie and her teachers for making TriPilates my favorite place to go every week.