847.698.6338 debbie@tripilates.com

10 Years? TEN YEARS!  Yes, and in retrospect, what does that mean?  How does that even happen? One breath, One exercise, one lesson, one class, one day at a time.  It all begins with breath. and YOU!

We celebrate our lease renewal this month! Congratulations and thank YOU!  As we find ourselves in the middle of a Solar Eclipse, school schedules starting, thinking of a new season ahead,  my friend Talya writes: “It’s been 99 years since the United States has experienced a coast-to-coast Total Solar Eclipse.  This high-impact Spiritual event is an incredible opportunity for each of us to fully own, and live by, our Truth with a capital T.”

Be who you are!

Part of this energy is owning how you move, feel, and think in your everyday life. Pilates has always been a journey for me, from my first class full of 40 people and I could barely do the exercise called “Tree!”

My blog about that:   https://tripilates.com/tree-who-me-yes-you/ ‎

My thoughts as we begin to think about the Fall schedule, our schedule changes, and new classes are about balance.  Taking the time to go “inside” our bodies, our breath, and our movement potential is CRUCIAL to growth, continued freedom in your body (pain-free) and in your life!    

Welcome back Pilates 101!

(Wednesday mornings specifically, 8:30a, principles taught in all other classes)  10 Classes for $175! (Sign up here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=2720&stype=-7&sTG=42&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000000&date=09/13/17

Learn and review fundamental movement technique with a focus on core integration to master the basic Pilates mat workout. This class is based on the study of the Kathy Grant Heritage Training program, which will enable you to embody the principles of Pilates exercise without tension or undue strain on your body. We will concentrate on three things: BREATH, WHOLE BODY HEALTH, WHOLE BODY COMMITMENT, which is the intention of Joe Pilates’ corrective exercise.

Open to all students – beginners welcome.
Advanced students welcome – dive deeper into your journey!

Mat is Mat

Why some studios have NO mat classes is beyond me! Oh actually, I do know why – it’s not a big “money-maker,” but it IS a great Pilates student-maker – for LIFE and for a HEALTHY and HAPPY LIFE!  You can do it anywhere once you learn it, know it, practice it, grow it!  Join us for Pilates 101.

The thing is this:  There is NO gain in pain.  After 10 years of heart wrenching dedication to keeping TriPilates open, thriving, welcoming, and growing, it is my sincere wish that we continue without stress. Yes, we will work hard.  Yes, Pilates movements are a challenge. Yes, we will keep you safe, balanced, and aware of your practice.  Five year goal?  Private and semi-private studio – it’s what we do best!  Two year goal?  All Centerline apparatus, excepting of course our beautiful Cadillac.  Dreamers can dream, doers will get that done.  

We will also keep playing: SILKS, Barre, Straps, Balance Board, MELT, Franklin Balls, Props, galore!  It’s a veritable playground at our studio.

TriPilates is on it.   See you soon!  

Oh, and for you early birds…. Sue is teaching Reformer Fridays at 6 am starting in September!  (only 4 spots available)  Early Bird Registration: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=2720&stype=-7&sTG=10&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000051&date=09/08/17



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